We believe in the exigency to develop people potential.

Educational Model

Educational Model

UPC's educational model comprises a set of guidelines that summarize its academic philosophy and guide the educational process towards the graduate's personal and professional development, according to local and global demands. This model, which is expressed through the University’s essential functions –teaching and research–, is based on five pedagogic principles that support our educational processes and actions: competency-based learning, student-centered learning, autonomous and self-regulated learning, learning in diversity with a global vision, and learning towards sustainability.

Modelo Educativo UPC

Clic en la imagen para conocer el modelo educativo


Competency-based Learning

UPC has chosen a competency-based educational model; these competencies are aligned with social and labor market needs and expectations. These competencies make up the graduate student profile.

Student-centered Learning

At UPC, students are placed in the middle of the learning process, from where they actively participate, while the professor acts as a facilitator.

Independent and Self-regulated Learning

The University seeks to provide students with the tools required to achieve a certain purpose in learning, through self-regulation and the self-evaluation of their role and results in this process.

Learning in Diversity with a Global Vision

One of UPC's principles is the promotion of learning by recognizing, valuing and respecting diversity. It recognizes the essential value of internationalization and interculturality in the comprehensive education of its students.

Learning towards Sustainability

The University is oriented towards the education of people and professionals capable of transforming their environment through innovative processes and means. In this way, it contributes to the country's sustainable development.


UPC’s academic programs are designed so that students, through a significant, coherent, rigorous and flexible curriculum, achieve the learning outcomes that contribute to the development of the professional competencies aligned with the necessities and demands of society and the local and global labor markets. These competencies make up the University's graduate student profile.

Graduate Student Profile

The UPC graduate student profile consists of core competencies and specific competencies, which are developed throughout the curriculum. The courses and their organization allow students to reach the level defined in each competency progressively.

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The Curricular Development and Assessment area promotes the continuous evaluation of the processes that are involved in the students’ learning outcome. In that way, it assures high-quality, meaningful and rigorous academic programs.

In order to do this, this area works with three fundamental processes:

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Assessment UPC

Since 2014, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas has an institutional assessment plan that defines guidelines and processes that allow measuring and assuring the development of the institutional learning outcomes and program learning outcomes by students.

This plan focuses not only on achieving that every program implements the process, but, above all, it seeks to build a continuous improvement culture at UPC that allows programs and areas to collect, review, and analyze information to identify improvement opportunities that are involved positively in student’s learning results.

In this way, Assessment UPC, as an institutional process, involves academic directors, faculty, students, and administrative staff. In other words, it involves the whole learning community at UPC, consolidating an assessment culture that contributes to guaranteeing the university's educational quality and continuous improvement of academic standards.

In order to move towards an assessment and solid learning culture, an institutional schedule for the first four years of the plan has been established. This allows to learn by doing, gain strength and leadership in the academic programs and improve the assessment processes.

In this way, the following institutional schedule has been established:

Undergraduate Assessment Schedule

TERM Institutional Learning Outcomes Status
2014-2 Written Communication Achieved
2015-1 Information Literacy Achieved
2015-1 Quantitative Reasoning Achieved
2015-2 Oral Communication Achieved
2016-2 Critical Thinking Achieved
2016-2 Citizenship Achieved
2017-2 Innovative Thinking Achieved
2017-2 Written Communication Achieved
2018-1 Information Literacy Under assessment
2019-1 Quantitative Reasoning In process
2019-2 Oral Communication -
TERM Program Learning Outcomes Status
2015-2 Program learning outcome #1 Achieved
2016-2 Program learning outcome #2 Achieved
2017-2 Program learning outcome #3 Achieved
2018-2 Program learning outcome #4 Achieved
2019-2 Program learning outcome #5 In process

Graduate Assessment Schedule

TERM Institutional Learning Outcomes Status
2015-2016 Written Communication Achieved
2016-2017 Information Literacy Achieved
2016-2017 Quantitative Reasoning Achieved
2016-2017 Oral Communication Achieved
2018 Critical Thinking Achieved
2018 Innovative Thinking Achieved
2019-2020 Citizenship In process
2020-2021 Written Communication -
2020-2021 Information Literacy -
TERM Program Learning Outcomes Status
2016-2017 Program learning outcome Global Vision Achieved
2018 Program learning outcome Decision-making Achieved
2018 Program learning outcome Managerial Leadership Achieved
2019 Program learning outcome (of each program) In process


The Assessment Academy is a learning community comprised by UPC faculty who are continuously and actively involved in the University's diverse assessment processes.

The first cohort of the Assessment Academy was formed in 2015, with 110 voluntary members from all the programs.

In 2016, the Assessment Academy consisted of 180 faculty members, 211 in 2017, and 168 in 2018.

The following goals are pursued in this learning environment:

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  • To consolidate a student-centered assessment culture

Phase 1. Connect with the purpose and keep concepts aligned with the assessment, so that all the parties involved use the same language and recognize the significance of this process, in order to assure the continuous improvement on students' learning.

Phase 2. Develop, along with internal and external experts and through workshops, the abilities and knowledge required to carry out the process.

Phase 3. Acknowledge that assessment is everyone's responsibility and share personal learning with other community members, so that everyone is committed to the process.

  • To consolidate a learning community around assessment

In the Assessment Academy, each team's innovation potential is acknowledged, allowing them to generate new proposals and to improve the processes.

  • To have a team specialized in assessment

The Assessment Academy mainly looks for members with influence and leadership in their programs, who are able to take the initiative and to transfer the process know-how to all the educational community.

  • To promote the assessment process in all programs

The Assessment Academy members coordinate, supervise and train their teams, so that assessment is successfully performed.