CIUTI International Conference 2022
The Role of Translation and Interpreting in Society and Citizenship: Interculturality, access to
information, public services, and equality
The Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) is pleased to announce that the CIUTI International Conference will take place for the first time in Lima and Latin America in 2022. CIUTI gathers a group of universities distinguished for their outstanding quality in research and translation and interpreting training.
Call for Papers
National and regional processes designed to ensure access to information and public services leverage translation and interpreting (T&I) to promote citizens' rights. The state’s fight against marginalization and poverty and promotion of fundamental rights is continually buffeted by constant tension between both able-bodied and disabled citizens, and their economic activities as these citizens seek access to information, public services, and equality in all its forms. Language services are fundamental to the promotion of human rights in all of these scenarios, even though these services can also be a potential source of inequality.
The conference serves as a forum and platform for addressing these issues from the perspective of T&I. Proposed themes do not exclude other related proposals.
Native Languages
T&I and interculturality, decoloniality and indigenous languages.
- Access and accessibility to information using different means to foster a culture of human rights.
- Indigenous languages, sign language, and T&I in the media.
History and Interculturality
Research into the role of translators and interpreters from an intercultural and historical perspective.
Global and domestic T&I markets, freelance and in-house work, and new job profiles and opportunities arising from humanitarian and health crises.
Gender and Identity
Transnational perspectives on sex and gender, decoloniality, and how T&I might call into question or reify unjust practices.
COVID-19 Pandemic
The role of translators and interpreters in meeting the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, equality, and access to information and public services.
Specialized terminological and lexicographical research into interculturality, access to information and public services, and equality as well as the applications of this research.
New Technologies
T&I and new technologies to strengthen interculturality, access to information and public services, and equality.
Abstracts Submission

- Presentations must not exceed 20 minutes.
- Abstracts must not exceed 400 words (excluding references).
- The research topic must be clearly indicated, as well as whether the study is empirical or conceptual.
- Abstract will be accepted until March 26, 2022.
- Acceptance of the abstract will be notified on April 22, 2022.
Early-bird fees with discount until July 16, 2022:
- CIUTI Member Attendees USD 145
- CIUTI Member Speaker USD 185
- Non-Member Attendees USD 180
- Non-Member Speakers USD 220
Regular registration fees from July 17, 2022:
- CIUTI Member Attendees USD 165
- CIUTI Member Speaker USD 205
- Non-Member AttendeesUSD 200
- Non-Member SpeakersUSD 240
Key Dates

- Submission deadline: March 26, 2022
- Notice of acceptance: April 22, 2022
- Registration starts on February 26, 2022
- CIUTI International Conference: September 16 & 17, 2022
Contact Information
More information on publication options will be circulated after the conference.